Il était une voix.... PIAF is a unique and vibrant show.
A magnificent rendezvous with the work of Édith Piaf, a child of the streets who became world-famous and whose name, even 60 years after her death, still resonates in our memories. To perform the essentials of her repertoire and a few snippets of the story that led her from misery to fame, the unlikely meeting of three performers who have an immense admiration for Piaf. And they will sing her with their hearts, with their passion.
First of all, Claudette Dion, who has been a Piaf fan for many years, even sang her solo at the Olympia in Paris, on invitation of Gilbert Coullier, a major French producer. She will share the stage with Natalie Choquette and Rita Tabbakh, who will bring to the songs the tones of the different periods in Piaf's life, whose destiny oscillated between ultimate joy and profound despair.
The richness of the show will come from the fact that these three voices will unite with the memories of Charles Dumont, who will lend his voice to Édith Piaf's incredible journey. We couldn't have chosen a better guide than this songwriter, who followed in Piaf's footsteps, first writing Non, je ne regrette rien for her and then several other hits, including Les amants and Mon Dieu. A faithful collaborator, Dumont is one of the last witnesses to the life of this larger-than-life artist, the likes of which are no longer made.
90 minutes, without intermission
100% French-language repertoire
*Admission restricted to people 18 and over.